Saturday, March 31, 2007

Lets begin the conversation!

Second Life, just like Real Life is all about finding your niche. It's about discovering who you would like to be and what activities interest you. Similarly, the Republican Party of SL is going through this process of self discovery. As we look to the future we must ask ourselves how we can differentiate ourselves from all the other political groups of Second Life.

Besides the obvious differences like the way we think (conservatively) and the ways we would choose to change our government, what else makes us different? Are we merely the reverse side of the same coin or are we unique? How can we use Second Life to bring about awareness of the principles (specifically economic and political principles) of the Republican Party of SL?

My idea would be to host nightly discussions, hosted by officers or those approved by an officer, on subjects they are passionate about. Each night could be a new subject with a different moderator. My belief is that if people are exposed to conservative thought they can't help but to walk away changed.

Ideally, by talking of controversial issues in a reasoned manner, we can change the minds of a few and at very least combat some of the liberal thought head on. By holding these discussions on our territory, it makes us less scary (lets face it the liberal media has seceded in painting conservatives as the "other") as well as introduce people to thoughts they might not encounter in their real life.

It would be relatively easy to start this program, all it would take is a topic, a good time for a moderator, and listing it on the events calendar with Second Life, under discussion. I would suggest with tax season upon us, perhaps the best beginner subject would be on taxation. Where conservative thoughts like the flat tax ( ) and fair tax ( ) could be discussed in opposition to the current system.

1 comment:

Gwen Kilby said...

Robb, fantastic start to the blog!

And I like the idea of hosting discussions. Great way to share information with others, as well as to bone up on issues we are unfamiliar with.

Let the chats begin!